Monday, June 27, 2011

Graduation Approaches

We received our uniforms today. Not very glamorous. Excited to have them, it means I am one step closer to my wings, but man...I wish they were at least a little fashionable. I spent the heat of the day today in the hanger with no air conditioning on a plane with no air conditioning pre-flighting equipment and playing around on the PA system. I have completed the pre-flight checks for both types of aircraft we work on. All I have left now is to do about 3 emergency drills, operation of some equipment, and my written final. After I pass all that, I get WINGS!!!!

Graduation is tentatively scheduled for Saturday morning. I need to get a head count of who Might be coming, so we can have enough chairs for folks to sit it. You can e-mail me at Don't be shy about coming either. Most of my class isn't from the Houston area so they won't have anyone there for them. The more of you that show up the more people there to show them love. There will be cake, and possibly cookies, but other than that I have no idea what to expect. Its supposed to be a 2 hour ceremony so I can't imagine what we are supposed to show you guys!

Not much else to report on this end. As always, good night and happy travels!


  1. Congratulations, Rebecca!! Sorry I won't be able to witness the exciting day. If I was in town, I'd come!! I know it will be very exciting!!!

  2. Almost there!!! I know it's been challening. Looking forward to the big day!!! Camera is charging...
