Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Supply Run

Tonight we were shuttled to Walmart for the very first time. It took 3 trips spread over about 3.5 hours to get everyone there and back! What an experience! I only needed a few personal items and a bit of juice since my very wise mother convinced me I needed to mail some things in advance (Thanks mom!!). Most of my classmates came with little to none, so there were about 20 shopping carts full of groceries trying to pack them into the back of an Econoline van (NOT A CHANCE!). That was our one trip off the compound this week :-(. We have training classes in the conference room downstairs and then we all study in the lobby. Not many adventures going on right now....speaking of studying, I need to do a little before bed. I try to study on my own in our room, and have my quiet time while everyone is downstairs studying. It's not an ideal situation, but at least the Lord is getting His time. Think I will spend some time praying from Psalms tonight, also attempting to read Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick. Good night and happy travels!


  1. I must admit, Rebecca, that your mom is really wise! So glad she thought of you mailing something. It sounds like you are going to be super busy...praying for you!

  2. Can't wait to hear that chicken in the foil pack works out!!
